

About the Podcast

"Humancraft" is an interview podcast about human evolution – the personal kind. The guests are people from all over the world and all walks of life who have faced challenging circumstances, learned and grown from them, and gone on to create something new for themselves and others.

The podcast does three things: 

Tells human stories.

As we all know too well, human life can be daunting and even feel unbearable at times, particularly when we are subjected to difficult life circumstances outside of our control. Abuse, neglect, poverty, trauma, debilitating physical or mental conditions, addictions, the loss of the ones we love, and many other challenging circumstances can threaten to derail us and sometimes do. Maybe it’s one painful event in an otherwise peaceful life; maybe it’s a series of challenges. This is the nature of the human experience. On “Humancraft,” the guests talk about their unique journeys.

Shares the lessons learned from them.

The guests on “Humancraft” have found ways to not only get through challenges but to rise above them, using them to become more conscious and to learn and grow. The podcast delves into how they did it, all the positives they’ve embraced, and what they have learned from their experiences.

Celebrates the creations brought into the world because of them.

When people become more free and authentic as they transmute challenges into lessons, they regain creative energy and motivation. Whether it’s books, nonprofits, businesses, ways of life, or any number of other wonderful things, all of the guests on “Humancraft” have created something new out of their wisdom and experience.

About the Host

My name is Beth Huddleston. I am a lawyer and the host of “Humancraft.” I have always found humans fascinating and love listening to and shining a light on their stories, particularly when those stories involve persevering through difficult life circumstances. One of the ways I put my love of this work into practice was by traveling to Amman, Jordan, years ago and interviewing nearly 100 Iraqi refugees who fled there after the 2003 invasion of Iraq. I wrote a book about what I learned – “Out of Iraq: True Stories of Iraqis Forced to Flee Their Country” – hoping to bring attention to the Iraqis’ plight after the invasion and to little-known facts about their way of life both before and after 2003.

After many years of practicing as a lawyer, I created “Humancraft” to explore and highlight a wide range of human experiences and the lessons learned and creations born from them. It is my hope that my guest’s stories and creations will resonate and connect with others and that together, we can create a community of “Humancrafters,” who grow from challenges and turn their experiences into beautiful creative endeavors.

~ We persist. We grow. We create. ~