
Gilbert Mfitundinda

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Gilbert Mfitundinda is the author of Life’s Lens: Looking Through the Eyes of a Compassion International Child. He is a poignant and gifted communicator who enjoys talking about the life-changing power of love, the plight of vulnerable children, effective solutions to poverty, excellence and servant-hood in leadership, and turning selfishness into selflessness. He is the founder and CEO of Love Restoration, an organization that provides education, nutrition, and health care to children in Kisoro, Uganda. He is also a systems services representative with IBM in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. He holds a bachelor of science in information technology from Uganda Christian University and a master of arts in organizational leadership from Eastern University in Pennsylvania.

May 29, 2024

Embracing Positive Words and Deeds from Uganda to the US

Gilbert Mfitundinda is the author of a book titled, “Life’s Lens: Looking Through the Eyes of a Compassion International Child” a memoir about his life growing up in extreme poverty in Uganda and later moving to the United S…